Best Corporate Team Building Activities, Services, and Team Bonding Company in India

How to Turn Conflict into Opportunity

As a facilitator, I’ve seen my fair share of team conflict. There have been times when it’s been ugly and unproductive, but there have also been times when it’s been the catalyst for positive change. That’s why, conflict can be a good thing for teams. When handled correctly, it can lead to better decision-making, increased […]

How to Turn Conflict into Opportunity

As a facilitator, I’ve seen my fair share of team conflict. There have been times when it’s been ugly and unproductive, but there have also been times when it’s been the catalyst for positive change. That’s why, conflict can be a good thing for teams. When handled correctly, it can lead to better decision-making, increased […]

The Spice of Teamwork: How Radical Candor Fuels Growth and Crushes Goals

Picture this: you’re the seasoned founder of a successful company, solving problems and giving the best solutions. But something is off in your team; something is not in alignment. Feedback is not working effectively. In fact, feedback is looked down on as something to avoid. You can hire to create the best team. But even […]